You want the absolute best for your child – especially when it comes to their education. Starting your child with a stellar preschool education sets the tone for the next several years of their lives. Their playmates, field trips, educator quality, and your fellow PTA members are determined by which school you select for your child. You should expect nothing less than an A-plus preschool for your future A-plus student. With some help from Cheap Dallas Movers (, here’s how to search for one when you relocate to a brand-new area!
Step One: Establish your priorities.
First, it’s essential to figure out what matters to you and your lifestyle when selecting a preschool. Do you want the preschool to be close to your home or workplace for pickup and emergencies? Do you want the preschool to follow a specific educational or religious philosophy? What involvement opportunities are there for you as a parent? You may want to write down your answers to some of these questions as search terms or things to ask at a preschool visit.

Step Two: Research.
Second, there are ample resources for you to access online in your search for the perfect preschool – you only have to look for them. Searching all schools in a given radius of your new home is a great start. Make a list of each preschool, visit each website, and explore what each preschool offers in terms of the priorities you established in the previous step. Once you’ve narrowed it down, you can call or email each school for more details and more specific questions. They will be thrilled that you’re considering joining their community!
Step Three: Visit.
When you have the opportunity to visit the school in person, take note of things like seating accommodations, behavior charts in classrooms, cleanliness, and how responsive educators are to your questions and concerns. Above all, it is essential that your child feels comfortable and capable of learning and growing in their unique environment; bring them with you on a visit and encourage them to ask their questions about the education and facilities. They might ask a question you hadn’t thought of in the first place!

Step Four: Stay connected.
Great preschools aren’t born, they are made. Even after enrollment, you need to keep checking in with your child and their educators to ensure that your little one reaches their full potential. Moving can be a difficult transition for many children, so it is especially important to keep communicating with your child and their education team to alleviate the stress of adjusting to a brand new environment and community.
As for you, parents – attend PTA meetings, make connections with other parents and educators, and chaperone field trips if you can. You’re adjusting to a brand new environment, too. Moving is no easy feat, and every unique situation takes some getting used to, but with communication and a little time, you and your child will be part of your new community before you know it.